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Saturday 30 April 2011

Stretch Reviews - Bioshock

Here is where things really started to pick up.  I asked my title card artist if she could draw a simplistic picture of me in a position I would have during the actual video.  It turned out great.

This was the first video I edited using my Mac and it really shows.  My editing is a lot more fast paced and flowing and it's how I edited from now on.

I was now using music for an intro and credits.  I was hesitant to use music due to copyright.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

lol... Yeah... Bioshock was quite enjoyable. No bombs down my pants required. It was unbalanced but I could also kill things without the wrench / chameleon (obvious first choice). The options made it fun. Screaming it sucks like you do sounds like you rated it a -65.33333333333333... ...33333... I give it an 8 out of 10. You hardly talked about the art being good because it lacked importance to the gameplay but emphasized how bad the story is with it's plotholes as it did have importance to the gameplay... At least you are humorous about it (actually not be sarcastic). Of which I give you 4 lolz out of 5 and yes I'm this bored to write this post so long.